We enjoy working with non-profit organizations. The Internet offers great potential to help people who are trying to help people; and our latest project gave us a chance to help someone who is trying to help people who are helping animals. Jake Raudabaugh is six years old. He is my grandson. Recently he was moved by a commercial for ASPCA on the TV. He was surprised and saddened to find out that some dogs and cats did not have homes, and that some were mistreated. Fortunately, Jake has great parents who are both intelligent and caring. The conversation eventually developed to include the concept of charity.
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Jake liked the idea of charity, and decided that he wanted to be charitable to animals in need. That night, he founded Jake’s Pals, dedicated to helping animals. With his parents’ help, he developed a plan to help shelters and
any organizations that are caring for animals.
He decided to collect donations of food, supplies, and eventually money, and distribute those donations to worthy organizations.
This week Jake visited Blazing Systems and sat down for hours with his Uncle Will. Together they designed a website for Jake’s Pals, Will guided the work, presented the design options, and implemented the design, using a LAMP-stack/WordPress architecture; and Jake made all the design choices on the spot in our dev lab, just as most of our clients like to do.
This summer Jake started building his donations by selling lemonade at yard sales, and he visited the Montgomery County ASPCA to find out their priority needs. We’re hoping his new website will give his charity some visibility and help generate donations . We’re honored to be his pals.